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  • Writer's pictureLucy-Jayne Thomas

Not just a Mum

I am not just a mum! i am a woman, who gave birth to 2 beautiful, exhausting boys. But im also a 25 year old woman! i am a woman, who is allowed to have friends. i am a woman, who is allowed to have time without her children! i am a woman, who is entitled to moan that im tired, that my head feels like its about to fall off, that my kids have been little sods. If i want a rare night out (3 hours to be exact...) then ill have one.. If i want 5 minutes of peace and quiet without hearing "mum mum mum muuuuuum" i will take them and my god ill enjoy them! because what you dont realise is by taking those little 5 minutes having a night out.. by having a moan and letting it all out.. it helps me to be a better mum! it enables me to let off some steam. Being a mother is hard work and far to often we get sidelined, and told how we should be.. what we should be doing! But do you notice how no one ever tells Dad what he should be doing? no one tells Dad he shouldnt be going out, he shouldnt be wanting 5 minites peace? he should be home making dinners and cleaning clothes? #notjustamum #instablog #instmum #instamom #parenting #kids #mum #boys #dads #girlsnight #parents #parentsofinstgram #mumguilt #imawoman #stillme

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