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  • Writer's pictureLucy-Jayne Thomas


Recently i've fallen into the comparison mindset.. especially where my boys are concerned. I'm looking around at other children, seeing what they can do & comparing to my children and what they can't do🤦‍♀️ Harry is 2 and can only say a few words, where as other 2 year olds can speak in sentences. Comparing the bevaviour of the boys when we're out, they are boisterous they are adventurous & loud. I compared them to some children who didnt need to be told to be quiet, lower their voices, who didnt run ahead who stayed and held their parents hand. Its a horrid mindset & one that i often avoid, as im usually a firm believer in each child is different! Every child learns at their own pace and its something that as parents we need to be reminded of every now and again! It caused me to overlook the things they can do! The fact that Harrys gross motor skills are far more advanced than what they "should be" we often get asked how old he is, and told "oh wow he's a good Walker" He hits gross motor milstones of 3 year olds. Jacks maths skills are brilliant hes doing number bonds at home that they havent done in school yet. They have an amazing sense of adventure they are both immensely polite, and thanks to me & Daddy their manners never falter. They may be loud & boisterious.. but they are their own person! they have a sense of themselves & what they want to be doing! ive been reminded today that no child will conform to the text book, and all to often these health care professionals will discourage parent &, make them feel inadequte if their child isnt "conforming" From now on i'm focusing firmly on what they can do! Every child grows & develops at their own pace! & most importantly they are themsleves!

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