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  • Writer's pictureLucy-Jayne Thomas

Goals for 2020

This year ive set myself some goals

my first being my confidence, mainly building the confidence to put myself out there, To put my face on instagram and not just hide behind those little squares! often i shy away, i hate how i look, i hate my voice on videos and despise the idea of being me on a platform that has so many trolls and bullies! but hey ho its time to put myself out there and start to grow!

my second goal is to stop caring what people think!

You'll always be judged by those who dont agree with you, or dislike what your about, or have a "Superior opinion" whether they be, friends, family or strangers on the internet! ill never please everyone, so why bother trying? as long as im happy, my kids are happy then thats all that counts.

ive so many plans in my head but making them come to fruition is a completely different ball game.

so this year im going with the flow, im not making too many plans im just going to see where the year take us, i always find when i make plans i stress more and what use is that? once i stress i find it hard to come out of that state of mind, the slightest thing sets me off and its a hard to back out and see beyond the fog!


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