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  • Writer's pictureLucy-Jayne Thomas

Back to school

Uniform labelled & folded. PE bag packed & ready to go New coat for the occasion & shoes that you chose.. with little blue lights when you stamp your toes! Snack Money ready & raring to go! Today is your new adventure, a new class & a new school year. Year 1.. all through the summer & even last night.. you didnt bat an eyelid when someone mentioned if you were ready for school, or your new class.. But today i can see as we approach the gate & a new side of the school, Your a little unsure.. You kiss Mum & Dad & cuddle Harry.. "bye Jack have a good day" & through the doors youve gone.. Today is about you.. the next step on your journey, through your childhood, through your school life! I know you'll be amazing, you'll grow and you'll learn! that fierce determined streak in you to take it all in.. But as i stand and watch you go.. holding your brothers hand, it hits me in waves that your really growing up, youve done one whole school year and now its onto your next. The pit of my stomach bubbles as you dissapear into that door.. im holding back tears as a new chapter in your life begins. Your dad is looking so relaxed and at ease, But i know hes feeling the same ive so many questions and wish i could come with you.. what if you dont like it?, what if they dont like you? what if they dont have apples for snack or a banana? what if today they've changed the dinner menu & its not what you like? what if you forget to wash your hands after the loo.. or what if you fall over and need someone to comfort you? as all the parents file out through the gates i look around and see the same look of anguish on their faces.. some mums are tearful as they wave goodbye, some dad are trying to look tough but dying inside. But today as i walk out holding your brothers hand. i look back one last time.. i know you'll be wonderful and i know you've already forgtten about us! you'll be tell you teacher all about Harry & the castles we've been to! Have a great day Jack ill see you at 3 #backtoschool #schooldays #mums #mumasanguish #year1

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